

Founded in 1956, the Swiss Association of Bryology and Lichenology (BRYOLICH) is devoted to the study and conservation of bryophytes and lichens and it supports research and education in bryology and lichenology especially in Switzerland. Approximately 250 individuals worldwide, both amateurs and professionals, held membership in the society. Since 1992, BRYOLICH is a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SAS).

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Lichen of the Year 2024

Normandina pulchella

Foto: N. Stapper

Moss of the Year 2024

Antitrichia curtipendula

Foto: Wolfgang von Brackel

Flechte des Jahres 2021; © N. Stapper

Moos des Jahres 2024; © Wolfgang von Brackel

© Bryolich17.06.2017 - Member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT